Our Story
Bona Fide Botanicals was started in January 2019, a few days after the Federal Farm Bil legalized hemp in the US. After years of research and waiting, it was time to move forward with my dream. Not only was the legal timing right but after watching the beneficial pain dampening effects marijuana oil had on my mother's long fight with cancer I knew I would be working on something that really helped people!
Originally, I hadn't intended to be involved in extraction, but over the years I saw what is now pretty common knowledge: the majority of CBD products in the market are not to be trusted. So the decision was pretty much made for me. In order to control the quality and source I had to basically figure it out myself. Luckily I'm pretty good at finding smarter people than myself and I quickly put together the perfect team to tackle the feat of building out Texas' first hemp extraction lab. The overarching goal has and will always be to produce the finest hemp products in the world and everything we have done so far reflects that vision. To get there we start with USDA certified organic hemp and rely solely on supercritical CO2 extraction. Add in some special sauce from our resident PhD and the result is the world's best full spectrum hemp extract! From there, we work with the best US suppliers to craft everything from simple CBD oils to edibles to pet products.